Saturday, July 26, 2008

500 workout faces off with The Naked Warrior

Try this one out!

5 rounds of the following....

24 kg 2 handed swings x20
20 prisoner squats
20 2 handed swings
1 arm push ups 5L/5R
20 2 handed swings
5 finger tip pull-ups on a door frame
20 2 handed swings
BW pistols, no counter balance, arms extended over head 5R/5L
20 2 handed swings
20 Push-up-to-plank

Allowed myself 1 minute recovery after each round. Took less than 45 minutes to complete. I had a grin from ear-to-ear once I hit the 200 marker.


Taikei Matsushita said...

Could you mind telling me what is prisoner's squat?

Your training log is a value to look at.

Angelo Gala, CSCS, RKC II said...

Squat to full depth with both hands placed being your head.