Monday, July 28, 2008

Beach and Training...

The coolest thing ever! I know its done in Cali all the time but I decided to bring a 16kg and 24kg bell (his and hers if you will haha) to the beach on Sunday and it was so much fun! The day was packed with random sets of swings, trifectas, juggling, snatching, bottoms up drills, hot potato drills and partner toss. Too much fun to describe. All the random elderly gents stopping by just to feel how heavy the KBs were was totally icing on the cake.

Training today went something like this...

Warm Up:

24kg swings x50 (2 handed and DARC)
(4 Clean and jerk + 10 swings R/L) x 2

265 x 3
305 x3
345 x 3

Sumo DL
395 5 reps x 2
2x1.... Body wasn't feeling the DL today

300 Swings superseted with the following as active "recovery"
Swings performed in blocks of 20 and 40
(Sea-saw presses w/ 32kg 4L/4R ) x2
Chair Pose
Pull-ups 5x2
double Front Squat w/ 32's x 5
Frog Squat and Pry
Cossack stretch
(1 minute jump rope) x 2
Hanging leg raises x5

Finished with 24 kg windmills 3L/3R

Completed another 130 24kg swings, various style in my group fitness class

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