Thursday, September 25, 2008

Quick Squat workout 9-24 and Doctor Update

-a little Z
16 kg 10 swings, 10 snatches, 10 jerks, 10 snatches, 10 swings (all R side of course)

Back Squat
-185 x 5 (still wasting my time on these light sets post accident)
-255 x 4
-295 x 3
-315 x 2
-335 x 2

Finally starting to feel better and more natural. Felt at about 80-85% effort so my back squat is getting back up there.

Didn't post this but I front squated on Monday and got up to 295 for singles. Getting closer to my old working sets of 315 :) My grip is completely different since the pins in my hand do not allow me to utilize a clean grip on the left side so i use a mix of R side clean and L side crossover.

Visited the Doctors on Tuesday the 23rd

The appointment was not for a follow up...just for a recasting and to ensure there was no infection in my hand prior to surgery #2, since some of the pins have poked their way through the skin to say hello! After cutting the cast off, the resident who is overseeing my case asked to see my available range of motion and after 6 weeks to the day I was able to almost completely crush my fist. Pretty impressive if you ask me considering that they projected 6 months for a pinch grip. Much to the dismay of the doc I shared with him some activities that I have been participating in recently.... I have been riding my motorcycle again with the cast on, full push-ups keeping my wrist neutral by elevating it onto a med ball and this past weekend i knocked off several sets of fingertip pull-ups. All are activities that they DO NOT want me doing (especially the pull-ups) and cant believe my hand has been strong.......I am not surprised.

Their first newsflash to me during my pre-op appointment.... "you realize that you will not be able to bench press for a full year".........

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